
National Statement of Germany, Security Council Open Debate on “Promoting Conflict Prevention - Empowering All Actors Including Women and Youth”, 13 March 2023

Security Council Open Debate - Promoting Conflict Prevention

Security Council Open Debate - Promoting Conflict Prevention, © Germany UN

13.03.2024 - Speech

The statement was delivered by Ambassador Thomas Zahneisen, Deputy Permanent Representative.

Mr President,
Germany aligns itself fully with the Statement by the European Union and the Joint Statement of the Human Rights and Conflict Prevention Caucus.
I want to thank Japan for organizing today’s debate. I also want to commend Japan for their consistent role as a global leader for Peacebuilding and prevention, from the times of Mme Ogata until today.
We are proud to join Japan in today’s joint Press Stakeout of SC and PBC members in support of Peacebuilding, Peace support and prevention.

I also want to thank today’s briefers and come back to the presentation of the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, Ambassador Danese of Brazil.
Germany fully supports his analysis of how the Peacebuilding Commission can better support and complement the Security Council’s efforts in this field. It is our hope that many of Ambassador Danese’s very concrete ideas will be followed up in next year’s Peacebuilding Architecture Review. We see a strong wish within the UN membership not to not miss this historic opportunity to significantly strengthen the role of the Peace Building Commission and its impact on the ground.

Mr. President,
It is our firm conviction that we collectively have made remarkable progress in the field of prevention and peace consolidation. We know what works well. And we have created the required instruments of implementation.
Just to mention three:
First, the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention. UN Peace and Development Advisors actively contributed to the formulation and implementation of national prevention strategies in 67 countries.
Second, the Women‘s Peace and Humanitarian Fund which supports local initiatives that focus on the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
And of course, the Peace Building Fund and its crucial catalytic work in support of national prevention and peacebuilding efforts.
All these instruments are geared towards national ownership. They work at the request of Governments and in support of national and regional prevention efforts.
However, what is missing, is the necessary scaling up to respond to the increased demand for prevention support from of member states. We still fall significantly short of what is required.

Germany is the main contributor to all three instruments. We hope that other member states will also consider contributing financially to these highly valued tools.
We also must explore alternative modes of funding by involving development banks and the private sector. PBSO, the UN Capital Development Fund, and Germany have recently launched the Investing for Peace Initiative to enable more peace-contributing investments in fragile and conflict affected contexts.
Mr President,
In conclusion, I want to come back to what Ambassador Danese said this morning, and what was also raised by many delegations during the Open debate on SC working methods, this Monday:
We urgently need a better connectivity between the Security Council and other organs of the UN, foremost the Peace Building Commission, to be successful in the field of Prevention and the transition from crisis management to peace consolidation.
In our view, this should also include a stronger and more systematic exchange with UN funds & agencies with expertise in the HDP nexus. We call on the members of the Security Council to make best use of the current favourable momentum for a coherent approach to prevention and peace consolidation.
I thank you.

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